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The product PROGLICEMIC:
Maintains normal blood sugar levels as part of a healthy lifestyle (cinnamon)
Helps maintain the body’s carbohydrate metabolism in balance (white mulberry)
Contributes to normal energy metabolism (vitamin C, magnesium)
Helps protect cells against oxidative stress (vitamin C, zinc)
Contributes to normal carbohydrate metabolism (zinc)
ngredients/capsule: extract of bitter gourd (Momordica charantia) fruit – 135mg; 10:1 extract of white mulberry (Morus alba) leaves – 135mg; capsule: hydroxypropyl methylcellulose; vitamin C/ascorbic acid – 107mg*; extract of cinnamon bark (Cinnamomum cassia), with 20% polyphenols – 68mg; extract of American cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon) fruit, with 40% PAC/proanthocyanidins – 68mg; extract 10: 1 from bean pods (Phaseolus vulgaris) – 68mg; magnesium oxide – 68mg*; zinc oxide – 16mg*; anti-caking agent: magnesium salts of vegetable fatty acids
(*Maximum daily dose / 2 capsules provides: 214mg vitamin C/ 267%NRV, 80mg magnesium / 21%NRV and 24mg zinc / 240%NRV; NRV – Nutrient Reference Value according to Regulation 1169/2011)
Does not contain: starch, salt, sugar, colourings, and flavourings.
Method of administration: Adults: 1 capsule twice a day during the meal, with a sufficient amount of liquid.
Contraindications: The product is contraindicated for persons allergic to any of the ingredients.
* Nutrient Reference Value according to Regulation 1169/2011.
Does not contain: starch, salt, sugar, yeast, colourings. Store in closed packaging, in a dry and cool place (max 24 °C). Notification: SNPMAPS Series AA no:AA/nr.14360/18.11.2020
PROGLICEMIC, capsules is a product made on the basis of herbal extracts, vitamin C, magnesium and zinc with synergistic action, which:
- Maintains normal blood sugar levels as part of a healthy lifestyle (cinnamon)
- Helps maintain the body’s carbohydrate metabolism in balance (white mulberry)
- Contributes to normal energy metabolism (vitamin C, magnesium)
- Helps protect cells against oxidative stress (vitamin C, zinc)
- Contributes to normal carbohydrate metabolism (zinc)
Dried extract of bitter gourd fruit (Momordica charantia)
Momordica charantia, or bitter gourd, is a plant whose fruits were originally used in Chinese traditional medicine, having insulin-like properties. It contains 17 amino acids, 16 of which are common to the amino acids that make up insulin, and is also named ”vegetable insulin”. Clinical studies with fruit extract have confirmed the effect of keeping blood glucose levels within normal limits by increasing glucose utilisation and inhibiting glucose synthesis processes. In addition, it also has the ability to protect and regenerate beta-pancreatic cells.
White mulberry (Morus alba) dried leaf extract
White mulberry is native to China and was brought to the Mediterranean area by the Greeks for the growth of silkworms. In Romania this fruit is cultivated mainly in the southern areas. Although there is a wide variety, from black to dark red, the white mulberry is considered the best for the body.
White mulberry extract is one of the “miracle” remedies for keeping blood sugar levels within normal limits.
White mulberry extract lowers blood sugar levels by inhibiting and reducing glucose absorption in the small intestine after meals. White mulberry also improves carbohydrate metabolism and promotes insulin secretion by the pancreas.
Cinnamon bark dried extract (Cinnamomum cassia)
It is the brown bark of the cinnamon tree and is available dried, in tubular form or as a powder. Cinnamon significantly lowers blood lipid levels, especially in people with type 2 diabetes. In one study, participants were given 1.3 to 6 grams of cinnamon a day for 40 days. Among 60 volunteers, triglycerides were reduced by 23 to 30% and bad cholesterol by 7-27%. Total cholesterol was reduced by 12-26 percent.
A study published in the journal ” Biochemistry ” tested cinnamon’s ability to regulate blood sugar, concluding that the active substance contained in the spice has two direct effects on glucose. It stimulates its assimilation and helps it to be better absorbed by cells. Cinnamaldehyde (the active substance) has an incredibly powerful effect in preventing diabetes.
Dried extract from the fruit of American cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon)
American cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon) is a plant native to North America, rich in various bioactive substances, the most important of which are proanthocyanidins.
Proanthocyanidins belong to the flavonoid category, a class of plant metabolites known for their powerful antioxidant properties.
Cranberries contain oligosaccharides beneficial to immunity, essential minerals (potassium, phosphorus, and calcium), organic acids and vitamin C.
Dried extract from bean pods (Phaseolus vulgaris)
For therapeutic purposes, the pods from which the seeds have been removed are used.
The plant contains amino acids (arginine, asparagine, tyrosine, tryptophan, lysine), vitamin C, flavonoids, minerals (especially chromium salts), hemicellulose, etc.
The plant is used as an adjuvant in the treatment of diabetes, diuretic and strong depurative.
Ascorbic acid/ Vitamin C
Ascorbic acid contributes to the normal functioning of the immune system. It promotes the formation of white blood cells, adheres to free radicals, neutralising them, and regenerating the body’s own antioxidants. In this way it keeps the immune system active and reduces oxidative stress.
Magnesium Oxide corresponding to 40 mg magnesium ions
MAGNESIUM is a mineral indispensable to the life of cells, approximately half of the body’s magnesium content is located inside the cells that make up tissues and organs. The rest is found in bone tissue, in combination with calcium and phosphorus. An element necessary for more than 300 biochemical reactions in the body, magnesium maintains normal muscle and nerve function, keeps the heart rate within physiological limits and promotes the development of strong bones. It is also involved in energy metabolism (it participates in converting sugar in blood into energy) and protein synthesis.
Zinc oxide corresponding to 12 mg zinc ions
Zinc is a vital element for most forms of life on Earth, from various species of cells to mammals and including the human species. The first studies on the importance of zinc in the diet appeared after the 1960s when, in 1961, clinical zinc deficiency was described for the first time in HYPERLINK “https://academic.oup.com/jn/article/130/5/1344S/4686363” people with a diet deficient in zinc-containing products. Zinc contributes to the regulation and production of insulin – the hormone that reduces blood sugar levels. It is a vital mineral for people with type I and type II diabetes.
Zinc reduces oxidative stress in the body, reversing the effects of free radicals. Zinc deficiency is often associated with major oxidative stress damage. Oxidative stress is known to promote disease and weaken the body.
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Ambalaj | 75 CC / ALEGE AMBALAJUL ECO FRIENDLY, din sticlă brună de cea mai bună calitate, ce ajută la păstrarea produsului în condiții optime, pe termen lung. Produsele noastre nu conțin coloranți, îndulcitori sau arome. Noi nu folosim ambalaje din plastic (ppe), ce pot dăuna sănătății. |
Cantitate | 60 CAPSULE VEGETALE |
Greutate | 48 grame |
Producator | Producator: SC Katigliko SRL, Str. Sf. Ioan nr.25, Iași, România. |
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